
Bulletin of counseling and school psychology, 56, 1-14 (2019)
Reliability and validity of a scale for parental conflict and co-parenting following separation or divorce


Jikihara, Y. & Ando, S.


Peer reviewed publication


The aim of this study was to develop the scale for parental conflict and co-parenting following separation or divorce and examine its reliability and validity. Study 1 showed that parental conflict and co-parenting (parents conduct) scale consisted following six factors; “denial of visitation”, “parental denigration (by residential parent)”, “parental denigration (by separated parent)”, “caught between parents”, and “inter-parental conflict”, “parents' trust and support”. Parental conflict (children’s perception) scale consisted following four factors; “hesitating for visitation”, “negative feelings against bad mouth of residential parent”, “negative feelings against bad mouth of separated parent” and “topic avoidance of separated parent”. Furthermore, the result revealed had this scale had certain validity and reliability. In study 2, each factor was chosen and goodness of fit of this scale was confirmed. Finally, the relationship between this scale and visitation and violence was examined.